ECAADE 2014 CONFERENCE - Fusion: Data integration at its best
The ECAADE (Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design) conference is among the most important and long-running events on CAAD - its proceedings a fundamental resource to understand the latest development in this sector. I have been honoured to be invited to present on the 10th of September a paper at the eCAADe 2014 Conference held at the Northumbria University.
The ECAADE event of this year delved into the theme of Data integration presenting a variety of approaches, experiments and educative experiences that reconstructed a very complex picture of the most recent research and practices in the use of CAAD. My contribution focused on the curatorial implications of these phenomena and proposed an educative program to address these novel issues.

Glasgow Science Festival, Digital Innovations - a presentation on the Digital Curation for Architecture
Today, I gave a presentation entitled 'Bringing Digital Curation to Architects to promote innovation in the Construction sector',at the Glasgow Science Festival event on the Digital Innovations. It was a great opportunity to hear from business professionals and academics about Digital Innovations and Knowledge Exchange experiences. Thanks to the fantastic Fraser Rowan, the Business Development Manager of the College of Arts, I was pleased to discover the patent convergence in business models and contents' units identification in the innovative use of digital technologies.

The emerging needs and the long standing issues curating digital assets from the Construction Industry - an HATII Research Seminar
On February the 4th, I have presented at the HATII, for its research seminars, a lesson entitled "The emerging needs and the long standing issues curating digital assets from the Construction Industry".
In this presentation I have retraced the introduction of digital tools in the Architecture practices and delved into the recent emerging procedures in Digital Design to discuss against both the DIDECU and the DEDICATE results the issues, requirements and expected development in the Digital Curation of assets from the Construction sector.
In this presentation I have particularly addressed this question: Which digital assets are produced through the Digital Architecture Design?

Presentations Slides from the DEDICATE FINAL SEMINAR!
The DEDICATE seminar has been a splendid opportunity to discuss the curation and management of Built Environment related data as both a cultural phenomenon interpreted by a variety of professional communities and disciplines and a common technological framework for their activities.
This event especially pointed out the commonalities into both the stakeholders communities' necessities and requirements and, we think, stressed the urgent need for a shared agenda for this field.
I really feel obliged toward all the people that contributed to this event. In particular, I would like to thank all the speakers for both their generous presentations and the precious debate animation that concluded the event.
Today, with some delay, we publish in this post the presentations from the DEDICATE final seminar.

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