Research Questions
DEDICATE addresses these issues:
- The sustainability of popular curatorial practices within the context of practice of commercial and administrative activities in the Built Environment.
- The definition of a specific curatorial framework for Built Environment related data.
- Which capture methods should be preferred for ingesting authoritative data relating to Built Environment? Which modelling tools might be preferred in order to obtain products apt to enter the curation workflow, that is released in durable formats and with a metadata set suitable to record their production process? Which data formats should be adopted to enhance the persistence and the reusability of information? What information should be kept in metadata at this stage and through which technique?
- How to record the actual use, that is the set of events determining either a modification or the employment, of the digital objects before their ingestion in the repositories?
- What policies should be defined to implement an evaluation method for the appraisal and selection of the digital objects to be collected in repositories? How might be involved actively the stakeholders' expertise in this process?
- Which ingestion processes could be assessed culturally and economically sustainable in this context? Which policies should be adopted to integrate automated procedures and the self-submission of the assets? Which information should be retained at this stage for curation and preservation purposes, and how?
- Which digital asset management architecture should be adopted and how should it be implemented to fit the policies and processes of the researched repository system?
- Which kind of interoperability model should guarantee access to the information? How many of the original functionalities of the digital object should be granted to their users and adopting which methods? How to deal with the intellectual property management of these digital objects considering as well the possibility of deriving new data from those?
- Which kind of transformations could affect the original data in the repositories and following which policies? How to manage the data migration for preservation purposes in order to retain perpetually its contextual functions? Data derived from stored assets might be considered either transformations of the original digital objects or new items, and which metadata set should record these kind of relationships between assets? Which model of rights management would enable the control of diverse typologies of intellectual property?

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