The DEDICATE (Design's Digital Curation for Architecture) project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (with the ref. AH/J008265/1) and the University of Glasgow.
The principal investigator of this project is Dr Ruggero Lancia and its supervisor is Dr Ian G. Anderson, both from the Humanities Advanced Technologies and Informations Institute (HATII) of the University of Glasgow.
This investigation will focus on the curation of digital records related to the Built Environment, and especially to Built Heritage, and aims at delivering policies, requirements and procedures to foster a common and sustainable curatorial framework for these assets minimising their loss risks and maximising their reusability and interoperability within their stakeholders community. In particular, the scope of this investigation project coincides with the present research in Digital Curation on the interoperability of information units and their preservation requirements in specific communities of practice.
This website hosts the research blog of this project and its synthetic documentation. During the nine months this investigation has been granted, the blog will be regularly updated as a research diary featuring the project advancements, its partial results and the analysis of the research problems treated as triggers for public discussions among the stakeholders and Digital Curation experts.
At the end of the investigation period, a research seminar will be held at the HATII gathering together international experts to discuss the curation of Built Environment related data. This website will publicise and gather notes of interest for participating this final initiative too.

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